
Unleash Your Creativity with Dakshyalaya’s Designing Courses

Are you prepared to develop your artistic passion into a professional skill? A variety of designing courses can be obtained at Dakshyalaya Traini…


Master Python Programming at Dakshyalaya Training Center

At Dakshyalaya Training Centre, you may discover a world of possibilities with Python programming. Python is one of the versatile and extensively…


Elevate Your Career with Dakshyalaya Training Center’s Cybersecurity Courses

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity skills are in high demand. Dakshyalaya Training Center offers specialized courses designed to equ…


Placement Opportunities : Partner Companies : Internship and Jobs

Placement Opportunities : Partner Companies : Internship and Jobs Dakshyalaya Training Center has partnered with several companies to provide pla…


Python Programming training for Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Limited

Python Programming training for Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Limited provided by Dakshyalaya Training Center! A big thank you to everyone who participate…


Power BI training for Siddhartha Bank

Power BI training for Siddhartha Bank provided by Dakshyalaya Training Center! A big thank you to everyone who participated and made this learnin…


World Vision Power BI Training

Thrilled to announce the success of our Power BI training for the corporate batch provided by Dakshyalaya Training Center! A big thank you to eve…


Quest College Training

Another successful workshop in the books! Had a great time conducting a Tally workshop at Quest College of Management, empowering BBA students wi…

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